To help your child play safely, please follow these simple rules.

  • All children remain the responsibility of the accompanying adult whilst at Little Centurions.
  • Socks must be worn at all times, long sleeved t-shirts and leggings or trousers are also recommended.
  • No shoes are permitted in the soft play area, please store shoes neatly underneath your table.
  • When using slides, children must keep their arms tucked in, face the correct direction, and slide one person at a time, there are signs in place by the slides with further information.
  • Children are not permitted to take food or drink into the soft play frame, all food and drink must be consumed in the designated seating area.
  • Only food purchased on these premises is to be consumed, although we will make an exception for baby food and milk.
  • All children should be encouraged to use the toilet before entering the soft play frame
  • For the safety of all children using the soft play frame, we will not tolerate any destructive or disruptive behaviour. Staff reserve the right to remove anyone behaving in an unacceptable manner, bullying for example will not be tolerated.
  • Any children who feel unwell should not use the facility. Any serious medical conditions must be reported to a member of staff upon arrival.
  • In the event of an emergency, please exit the facility in a calm manner. Staff will take the lead if an evacuation if required. Do not stop to pick up any personal belongings. Please leave the building using the closest fire exit and proceed to the fire assembly point either on the field behind the facility or in the car park outside the front entrance. Please follow instructions given out by our staff.